Hello everyone,

I hope 2019 has started out well. If you’re new or newly interested in the SCA, please be sure to check out the SCA Welcome Page and contact our new, acting Chatelaine (newcomer liaison) Livia for information. Over the next several days the Ivyeinrust calendar will be updated, and I’ll return to regularly posting meeting minutes. I may go and create a separate “archive” of just meeting minutes on the site, but that plan is still in the future as of right now. No significant changes were made from September through December, and the Bailiwick has continued to grow its regular activities and work on outreach.

Here are our meeting minutes (edited) from the January 2019 Business Meeting, held yesterday (01/21):

Meeting Start Time: 7:45pm
Meeting End Time: 8:30pm
In Attendance: Philadelphia Brown, Brunissende Dragonette, Livia Petralia, and Martyn de Halliwell.

Old Business
Zip Codes ™ – The Zip Code request was sent by the Baronial Seneschal and we received positive feedback from Kingdom; we are just awaiting final approval from the Kingdom Seneschal’s Office and the Postal Code Legatus to confirm the changes requested have been made.

New Business
Chatelaine Office Open – the Office of Chatelaine (newcomer liaison) is currently open. Livia nominated herself to fill the position and was named acting Chatelaine. We will confirm at the February Business Meeting. Anyone else who may be interested in the position should send an email to the Seneschal, Martyn, who will file the quarterly report for January 2019 ASAP.

German Society Demo – the Barony has to complete a Demo for the members of the German Society of Pennsylvania this year in order to continue receiving its discounted rates for the Yule & Tavern events the Barony holds their annually. The Bailiwick will offer to assist the Barony as needed and members are available.

Business Meeting Date Change – Because Martyn (Seneschal) now has a terribly exciting Monday evening class for the semester, Business Meetings will be moved to Tuesday and the location will also change to be the same a Scriptorium (also held on some Tuesdays) in the Fisher Fine Arts Library on Penn’s Campus – Conference Room 2B. The site is handicap accessible, but you need to contact Martyn or Livia in advance if you need assistance accessing the space or if you don’t have a PennID so your name can be added to the door list. More information will be made in a future post to the Bailiwick’s website after the calendar has been updated.

Scriptorium – Will be held tomorrow (now today, Tues 1/22) starting at 6pm at the Fisher Fine Arts Library. See info on the Bailiwick’s calendar. The goal is to have the scriptorium roughly twice per month. There is also a Scriptorium scheduled for next Tuesday, 1/29.

Craft & Chat – Mael Eoin kindly hosted the January Craft & Chat at his home out in Media, PA. The next Craft & Chat will take place at the Van Pelt Library’s Meyerson Conference Room (2nd Floor) on Sunday, February 17th from 1pm-4pm. Please contact Bruni or Livia if you plan to attend.

Cooking Workshop – The Bailiwick will be hosting a regular cooking workshop, with the first being held on Friday, February 15th. The theme will be posted soon, and it will start at 6:30pm. The location for the workshop will be the common room + kitchen at West Lofts: 220 S 47th St, Philadelphia, PA 19139 and is being hosted by Martyn. Please see the calendar after the update, or contact Martyn for additional details.

Officer Reports
Seneschal – Report to the Barony was sent via Philadelphia (thank you!), as I was in Caer Adamant teaching a class on mead-making for their Monthly Arts & Sciences Night. My report has be submitted to the Southern Region Seneschal, and as mentioned previously, we are just waiting on confirmation from Kingdom on the new Zip Codes being added to the Bailiwick. Curia is being held this weekend at Birka and I will be in attendance. During the meeting we discussed the proposed 20% tax on Royal Progress events, as well as the proposed award name changes and reviewed the other changes listed on the agenda.

Chancellor of the Exchequer – My report is due at the end of the month. Maryna received her check for Scriptorium Supplies. Unfortunately, our contact person at TD Bank has left, so I will have to go get the information for the new contact person and resubmit the Change in Signatories Form to Kingdom and have it passed along to Milpitas for processing.

Minister of Arts & Sciences – My next Quarterly Report is not due until March. The Scriptorium starts back up tomorrow, and people are doing A&S!

Chamberlain – There is stuff, and there is Gold Key. I will be bringing some Gold Key to the Bhakail Tavern event this weekend (At the Sign of the Cat & Dragon) for a newcomer.

Webminister – I have been remiss in updating the website regularly since the fall. I will be posting the meeting minutes again and hopefully making some page changes/updates and doing a small bit of re-organization.

In service,
Martyn, Bailiff
Seneschal of Ivyeinrust


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