We will be having our September Business meeting tonight at 7:30pm in the Meyerson Conference Room on the 2nd floor of the Van Pelt Library. 

The meeting usually lasts less than an hour, and there’s ample opportunity if you have questions, or just want an overview of what we do here within the city & in University City.

Tonight’s agenda is pretty straight forward:

Old Business

1) Post-Pennsic Social (how did it go?)

2) Penn Fall Activities Fair (how did it go?)

3) Moving Bailiwick email list (completed, except archive transfer)

4) Zip Codes (discuss previous proposal sent to the Barony & its status, as well as review the Bailiwick’s intentions to clarify message being brought to Baronial Zip Code Committee)

New Business

1) Lunch in the Bailiwick

2) Philly Field Trips

3) Recruiting & Activities Planning

4) Ivy bag project 

5) Future meeting dates

Officer Reports

1) Seneschal (Chapter President)

2) Chancellor of the Exchequer (Treasurer)

3) Minister of Arts & Sciences

4) Chatelaine (Newcomer Liaison)

5) Chamberlain (Keeper of Ivy gear)

6) Webminister 

Announcements & Reminders

1) Craft & Chat

2) City Social

3) Scriptorium

4) Local events 

5) Bhakail Yule

All my best,


For up-to-date info & calendar, be sure to always check out Ivy’s calendar here on the website.


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