Start time: 7:15 End time: 7:55
Old Business
Review of Meeting Schedule – Now on the Bailiwick calendar: June 18th (7pm Meyerson), July 16th (7pm Meyerson – intend to cancel), August 27th (7pm Fisher Fine Arts).
UPenn Student Activity Day Demo – Thursday, August 29th (time TBD). We need to work out a schedule of activities prior to the demo, will complete a list of planned fall semester activities by June meeting.
Music & Dance Day Demo – Planned for September. Still working on scheduling with UPenn.
Winter Nights South – With a tentative planned date of November 9th that had been suggested (likely the weekend after unannounced Crown, a week before St. Eligius, and two weeks before 100 Minutes War), however, Monumental Baptist Church is not available on second Saturdays. Still planning to reach out to Overbrook Presbyterian to see if that sight will work out, they were still recovering from Easter the last time we reached out. There is another option – Caer Adamant is hosting a Bardic Banshee event on October 23rd, and that may work for hosting Winter nights – Martyn will reach out and connect the interested parties.
Thélème at Penn – Tentative date: Spring Semester 2020. Livia has emailed the contact in Kisliack, who has responded – date wrangling will happen in the coming months.
New Business
Gold Key – Will be moved to Livia’s house for the summer months and Livia and others will be going through it soon. We need to establish what may be viable to loan out for Pennsic. Assistance will be needed; please contact Livia.
Philly OutFest Demo – Sunday, October 13th. Bruni will organize a bead-making workshop. Martyn will reach out to event organizers to find out what is required to secure space as well as several other Bailiwick members to gather additional support.
Officer Reports
Seneschal – Zip Code reassignment has been completed and is reflected in the most recent Kingdom Census. A report from the May Barony Business Meeting was given.
Exchequer – Nothing to report.
Herald – Continuing to help people with submissions, and Maryna’s personal submissions have passed on from Kingdom to Society! In the fall, possibly doing a heraldry thing (either a workshop or commentary group). Planning to volunteer at Herald’s Point at Pennsic. Quarterly Report will be due in June.
Minister of Arts & Sciences – I sent in my Quarterly Report. They have changed to an online reporting form with only two questions.
Chatelaine – No new contacts this month.
Chamberlain – The Gold Key is going to live with Livia for the summer for sorting, organization, and repair.
Webminister – A few minor updates have been made already, larger changes should be posted by the June meeting.
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