The April Business Meeting for the Bailiwick is tonight! We will be in the Meyerson Conference Room on the 2nd Floor of the Van Pelt Library on UPenn’s campus. Email seneschal @ ivyeinrust . eastkingdom . org for more information.

Our March Business Meeting was held on Wednesday, March 28th, 2018.

Meeting Started: 7:50pm               Meeting Ended:  8:45pm

In Attendance: Brunissende Dragonette, Philadelphia Brown, Martyn de Halliwell, Livia Petralia.

Old Business

  1. Craft & Chat – Are now scheduled through July 2018. Will look at Post-Pennsic schedule.
  2. Post-Pennsic Social – Will be held, date TBD, pending Baronial Commons/Champions scheduling. Possibly at Penn, possibly at Martyn’s.
  3. Return of City Social – tabled to April Meeting.
  4. Penn Student Activities Day Demo  – tabled to April Meeting.
  5. Bailiwick Facebook Page – is now up and running, Martyn and Philly are admins for the page; is not a group.
  6. Moving Bailiwick E-Mail List – waiting for the completion of updates to the new GfNP to give the Webministry team some time. Follow-up in April/May.
  7. Scribal Schola – waiting on response from Signet’s office.
  8. Zip Codes – The Bailiwick will be requesting zip codes 19151 and 19131, and drawing a northern border across zip codes in the city; to mirror the MFL and extend to the Delaware River for continuity. Discussed possibility of including areas of NW Philadelphia or other colleges in the city, was decided to be unnecessary/unwanted at this time.

New Business

  1. Google-for-Non-Profits – all officers are required to log into their new EK gmail accounts.
  2. EK 50-Year Celebration – discussed what the Bailiwick could get together to participate with the Barony in the display, as well as the memorial garden contributions.

Officer Reports

  1. Seneschal – (Martyn) Update from Society and Kingdom passed along from Kingdom Seneschal.
  2. Exchequer – (Livia) Report is due at the end of April.
  3. MoAS – (Bruni) Will be attending Keeper of the Central Flame & judging. KWHSS also coming up in June in Pittsburgh.
  4. Chatelaine – (Philly) Nothing to report.
  5. Webminister – (Philly) The transition to Google-for-Non-Profits has been completed!


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