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The Intersection of Naalbinding and Knitting: non-woven textiles in Coptic Egypt — Ibrahim al-Rashid
Knitting is believed to have originated in North Africa. Prior to the development of true knitting, the Coptic variant of naalbinding was used to create non-woven textiles. It is unclear to what degree these two techniques co-existed or how much influence they had on each other. In light of recent research that seems to have pushed back the date of earliest known knitting, I am exploring the commonalities and differences between Coptic stitch naalbinding and knitting variants. Certain characteristics of the finished work can be produced by either method. This poster presents samples to demonstrate which characteristics are unique to each.

The Will of Lorenzo GorlaLorenzo Gorla
Exploring the life of a fencing instructor through the details in his last will.

The Astrolabe —  Lady Lianor de Matos
An overview of the parts and function of the astrolabe, the pocket computer of the Middle Ages.

Merovingian potteriesDame Brunissende Dragonette

The Merovingian period is not as well-known as other SCA covered cultures because of the lack of texts. However, the Merovingian artisans left durable traces that can be found in burial and other archeological diggings. Amongst the durable works, weapons and other metal accessories have been found, as well as jewelry. Another frequent finding is potteries, as fired clay is a very durable medium (Salin and France-Lanord 1946). We are considering some of the methods used for decoration as well as characteristic shapes.

Experimental Archeology: Making Glass Beads – Mistress Elysabeth Underhill
Illustration of experiments carried out by the presenter and friends on making glass beads using “more period” fire sources. Video of bead making will be presented, and a discussion of lessons learned and the differences between modern and period methods will be provided.



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