Hail, Bhakail! Ave, Ivy! Bonjorn, Icorn! And hello to a few folks not on the local SCA list-servs!

On the first and second weekends of June, two of our nearest neighbors are holding fun, interesting, close-by events.

Hartshorn-dale is holding an A&S camping event in northern Bhakail on the first weekend of June; and on the second Saturday in June, Iron Bog is holding a martial and Court-themed event in New Jersey, less than one hour from Bhakail.

If you need a ride to either event, or have space in your car to offer, please let me know off-list. There are several Bhakailis without cars who are hoping to attend either/both of these events; if you have car space in exchange for chipping in towards gas/tolls, please let me know, and we’ll match you with the person closest to you who needs a ride.

Artisans’ Village

A weekend to discuss, learn, and watch various medieval/Renaissance arts & sciences such as: paper arts, including bookbinding and printing; glass bead making; metal arts, including blacksmithing, metal casting, and cold metal techniques; a science area, including confectionary sciences; historic combat; plaster casting; dance; brewing; and a fleece to shawl competition.

to be held in Willow Grove, PA

Friday, 6/5, to Sunday, 6/7

or daytripping on Saturday 6/6 or Sunday 6/7


King’s & Queen’s Rattan Champions/Iron Bog Investiture

A day of medieval armored combat, Renaissance rapier, archery, youth activities, A&S display, and Their Royal Majesties will invest the new Baroness of Iron Bog, after the current Baron and Baroness of Iron Bog hold Their Last Court.

to be held in Moorestown, NJ

Saturday, 6/13


Thanks very much!!

– Philly

binsteaj at upenn dot edu



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