The Bailiwick Business Meeting will be starting a little later than normal today; the meeting will not begin until 7:45pm. If you are attending the meeting please email Livia so you can be added to the guest list.

The meeting will take place in the Meyerson Conference on the 2nd Floor of the Van Pelt Library on Penn’s Campus.

The following is the proposed Agenda:

Old Business

  1. Post-Pennsic Social
  2. Penn Student Activities Day Demo
  3. Moving Bailiwick E-mail List
  4. Fall Scribal Display & Demo
  5. Zip Codes
  6. Bailiwick Banner

New Business

  1. Scribal Demo / Kislak Demo
  2. Fall Recruitment Planning
  3. Any additional business brought to the meeting

Officer Reports

  1. Seneschal (Martyn)
  2. Chancellor of the Exchequer (Livia)
  3. Minister of Arts & Sciences (Bruni)
  4. Chatelaine (Philly)
  5. Webminister (Philly)

Report from the Barony

Announcements & Reminders

  1. City Social
  2. Any additional announcements and/or reminders brought to the meeting




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