Meeting Started: 7:38pm Meeting Ended: 8:35pm
In Attendance: Philadelphia Brown, Martyn de Halliwell, Livia Petralia.
Next Meeting: Wednesday, May 23rd at 7:30 p.m. in the Meyerson Conference Room at Van Pelt Library.
Old Business
- Post-Pennsic Social – This will be an informal gathering for people to get together and share what they learned at Pennsic, with other Pennsic-goers and anyone who wishes to attend. The Barony has tentatively reserved Aug. 26th for Baronial Champions & Commons, so we’ve decided to host our Bailiwick Post-Pennsic Social the week prior on Sunday, August 19th from 2pm-6pm. Location is to be determined. Topic tabled to May or June meeting.
- Return of City Social – To be held on select Fridays in the Common Room of Martyn’s apartment building – West Lofts (220 S. 47th St.) – from 6pm-8pm. Contact Martyn if attending by clicking here. Dates: 5/25, 6/22, 8/31, 9/28, 10/26, 11/30, 12/28. Topic closed – refer to Announcements & Reminders in future agendas.
- Penn Student Activities Day Demo – Livia has crafted amazing new recruitment posters customized for UPenn from the SCA website. Intention is to use the May Bailiwick Meeting to create our Action Plan for this Demo. Topic tabled to May meeting.
- Moving Bailiwick E-mail list – Philly will request that the Kingdom Webminister’s office transfer and archive the Bailiwick’s yahoo group to an e-mail list hosted on the Kingdom Server. Topic tabled to May meeting.
- Scribal Schola – Martyn has had contact from the Signet’s Office, which is enthusiastic about the ability to schedule an event that utilizes the Kislak Center for Rare Books. However, it was discussed that we may be better off hosting an afternoon Demo open to the public given the somewhat short time-frame of late-September/October. Also, with this following not long after the Penn Student Activities Day, this would be an additional, more accessible, recruitment opportunity for the group. Plain-clothes/non-garb planned for the demo/Rare Books collection viewing. Hope is to get 2-3 teachers willing to host on-going workshops in the conference rooms in the building; Martyn will reach out to teachers. Livia will contact the staff at Kislak to see if there is an available date; to be settled as soon as possible. Scribal Schola Topic closed.
- Zip Codes™ – A copy of the proposed map will be made available soon. There was a significant follow-up discussion about which ZIP Codes™ the Bailiwick would like to request be transferred from the Barony “proper.” The goal for these transfers is to have the “heart” of the Bailiwick to follow along the two major transportation lines: the Market-Frankford Line, and the Broad Street Subway, with those routes acting as the corridor for the Bailiwick to host activities. Given moving student populations (the Bailiwick already hosts UPenn, Drexel, UArts, Walnut Hill, Jefferson, and Temple within its exitinh boundaries) and changing city populations, these changes are intended to reflext that, while not leaving any area(s) to look/feel “cut out/off.” In addition to the zip codes encompassing the extremes of South and Southwest Philadelphia as suggested previously, and the Overbrook/East Fairmount areas initially requested by the Bailiwick, there are 8 additional ZIP Codes™ we are considering requesting. There are now 15 proposed ZIP Codes™ to be requested. This would create a fairly even “northern line” for the Bailiwick that stretches to the Delaware River, and does not leave any part of the city “cut off” or “excluded” from the Bailiwick. It was noted and recorded that the Bailiwick is an integral part of the Barony, and participation in the Bailiwick is not required, and that our intent is to merely reflect the changes in the location of the population of Penn, Drexel, UArts, Walnut Hill, Jefferson, & Temple students to serve them better, as well as the changing population of the city itself. Martyn was able to pull a list of paid SCA members residing in the ZIP Codes™ to be requested, and he, Livia, and Philly will be reaching out to individuals before making a formal request to the Barony. Martyn wikl also begin talks with Master Mael Eoin, chair of the Bhakail Zip Codes Committee. Topic tabled to May meeting.
New Business
- Bailiwick Banner – The Bailiwick’s banner is not in the best shape, and it was determined that a replacement was needed & desired. The Financial Committee met briefly during a suspension of the regular Bailiwick Meeting and approved the purchase. We will be commissioning the banner from Lady Alesia de Maris, who has confirmed with Philly that she has time to add this to her queue. Topic tabled to May meeting.
Officer Reports
- Seneschal – (Martyn) My Quarterly Report has been submitted.
- Exchequer – (Livia) An updated Signature Card Request Form and the Quarterly Report will be sent in before the April 30th reporting deadline. The Bailiwick still has a healthy bank balance [balance redacted].
- MoAS – (Bruni) Bruni was not available this month, but it was noted that the first Craft & Chat has happened, and more are scheduled. Natso also hosted at Mongolian scrip class at Penn that several members attended.
- Chatelaine – (Philly) Working with Natso and Marküs to arrange transportation to/from the upcoming Scribal Schola in Caer Adamant. Not many new contacts via the Bailiwick website, currently.
- Webminister – (Philly) There has been an issue with the Bailiwick calendar no longer displaying on the Bailiwick or Barony websites. No one was sure why, and Philly’s initial contacts weren’t able to offer any direct insight, but we will be reaching out to the Kingdom Webministry to see if there is a known issue / resolution.
Report From the Barony
- Philly attended the April Barony Business Meeting, where a bulk of the extended time was devoted to discussing the Bylaws Review Committee, the Baronial Bylaws themselves, and possible proposed changes.
- Philly was able to deliver Martyn’s report for the Bailiwick at the meeting, as he was not able to attend.
- Nominations for Chronicler and Chamberlain are currently open and seeking candidates.
- There is an on-going issue of checks the Barony has written not being cashed in a timely manner; Philly (as Baronial Exchequer) is working to resolve this.
- The dedicated funds of the Barony were also discussed – the $25 previously dedicated to Siege Combat is now being dedicated to Combat Archery; the $200 dedicated to the Baronial Army is being used by Roseia and others to create new tabards; and the $119 dedicated for the Gold-Key Project has been absorbed back into the Barony’s General Fund, with a note that the Chatelaine can submit a budget if she needs to expand/improve Gold Key going forward.
- The cost of the Social at Stage One was also discussed, and a strong push for donations at the meeting and simultaneous martial practices netted a larger-than-normal donation for the evening. It seems to have an annual cost of approximately $600.00 after donations are taken into account.
In service to the Bailiwick,
Bailiff of Ivyeinrust
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