The next business meeting of the Bailiwick of Ivyeinrust will be on Wednesday, February 17th, at 7pm.

We’ll be in the usual room (Meyerson Conference Room) on the second floor of Van Pelt Library (3420 Walnut Street). If you are not a member of the UPenn community or have not attended one of our meetings before, please send Livia an e-mail with your modern name and she’ll put you on the list for the security guards, and you will need a photo ID to enter. Livia’s e-mail is seneschal at ivyeinrust.eastkingdom dot org.

Seneschal report
* Successful reporting
* Congratulations
Exchequer report
MoAS report
* Hood workshop
* Would anyone like to run workshops?
Herald report
Webminister report
* Officer email accounts
* Event email policy?
Chatelaine report
* Newcomers welcome
* Status of loaner garb
* Madrigal concert at Drexel

Upcoming events in the Canton and the Barony.
* May 14th – Court of Love and Baronial Bardic Champions
* (Probably) Sunday, August 21st – Baronial Commons
* December 10th – Yule Revel

Upcoming local events in the East Kingdom (and coordinating rides as needed).

“Field trip” to Drexel University’s Madrigal concert on Friday, February 26th.

“Field trip” to Piffao concert on Friday, March 18th.

“Field trip” to the King Midas exhibit at the Penn Museum, date tbd.

Also, there will be a review of the next event we’ll be hosting – the Thélème at Penn to be held August 20, 2016.

Looking forward to seeing you on Wednesday, 2/17! The next meeting will also be in the Meyerson Conference Room, on Wednesday, March 16th, at 7pm.



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