Registration Form:
SCA Name:
Modern Name:
What you’ll need:
General fabric notes:
In addition to the omnipresent and much-used linen, the Rus had access to a
wide variety of fabrics including cotton from Persia; wool via Byzantium, including wool plaids, which were quite a luxury; silk was primarily the domain of the wealthy, and would only have been of the crepe or raw weave rather than a smoother satin finish; finally brocades from China via Persia were known, but were rare and therefore high status.
What you’ll need for individual projects:
1/12/15 — Rubakha (undershirt) for male or female persona
Measure from shoulder to hips (for male) or to ankles (for female).
Double measurement and add 1 yard for sleeves.
Cloth choice: Light, solid color of lightweight linen or cotton.
1/19/15 — Navershnik (calf-length overdress) for female persona
Pick a width of fabric that will account for short sleeves and body (instructor
uses 45-48” wide fabric)
Measure from shoulder to under the knee or mid-calf and double.
Cloth choice: Solid colors of heavier weight linen or cotton. Wool is also an
option, specifically felted wool rather than woven.
1/26/15 — Porty (pants) for male persona
Measure from waist to just below the ankle and double.
Cloth choice: Heavy linen or woven wool. Because there is little chance to
trim this garment, it could in period be made with stripes or plaids in addition to bold solids.
2/2/15 — Finishing up: Trim, Discussion of head- and footwear, and Questions.
Necklines, hems, side-seams of garments were trimmed so as to add
additional visual interest. Bring a respectable amount of trim for this purpose. Trimming was omni-present and prolific, so don’t worry about bringing too much!
Trim choice: tablet woven and embroidered trim was common, trim
that can emulate this aesthetic would be ideal, figurative and black- or red-work trim were also known.
AVOID: Trim with metallic thread.