(All titles removed)
Seneschal (current term duration: 2 year term, renewable up to a 4 year term)
2023-present: Emery de Champagne
2020-2023: Livia Petralia
2018-2020: Martyn de Halliwell
2017-2018: Philadelphia Brown
2014-2017: Livia Petralia
2011-2014: Xanthippe Ouranina (formerly known as Tiphaine de Montaigne)
2007-2011: Christopher Jameson
1995-2007: Geoffert of the Lone Oak
1993-1995: Lawrence of Ivyeinrust
1991-1993: Morgan Charboneau
1990-1991: Rosamund d’Alwareton
1986-1990: Philadelphia Brown
1985-1986: Dyfan Hartsbane
1984-1985: Gwydion the Day-glo Herald
1981-1984: Unknown
Ivy Pursuivant
2022-present: Brunissende Dragonette
2018-2022: Maryna Borowska
2012-2017: Xanthippe Ouranina
2003-2012: Brunissende Dragonette
2003: Alina Silverthorne
2002: Brunissende Dragonette
2000: Philadelphia Brown
1993: Fionna
1992: Dafydd Cyhoeddwyr
Chancellor of the Exchequer (current term duration: 2 year term, renewable up to a 4 year term)
2023-present: Philadelphia Brown
2020-2023: Martyn de Halliwell
2017-2020: Livia Petralia
2014-2017: Philadelphia Brown
2011-2014: Alianora la Tesserande
2003-2011: Lorcan Dracontius
1993-2000: Lord Hachille the Harlequin (formerly known as Harlequin Tomfoolery)
Minister of Arts & Sciences
2023-present: Livia Petralia
2022-2023: Maryna Borowska
2018-2022: Brunissende Dragonette
2015-2018: Osric Feologildsson
2014-2015: Ælfric fitzHugh
2005-2014: Livia Petralia
2000-2005: Tiphaine de Montaigne
1993: Tiphaine de Montaigne
2019-present: Livia Petralia
2018-2019: Michah of Ivyeinrust
2012-2018: Philadelphia Brown
2003-2007: Philadelphia Brown
2000: Oz
2023-present: Livia Petralia
2018-2023: Martyn de Halliwell
2015-2018: Philadelphia Brown
2011-?: Christopher Jameson
2007-2008: Colin of Tighan
2003-2006: Christopher Jameson
2020-present: Philadelphia Brown
2018-2020: Martyn de Halliwell
2015-2018: Philadelphia Brown
2012-2015: Geoffert of the Lone Oak
2007-2012: Philadelphia Brown
Knight Marshal
1993: Arnulf Adler
Minister of Dance
2008?-2011?: Dafydd Cyhoeddwyr
1993?-2005?: Dafydd Cyhoeddwyr
2014: Brunissende Dragonette
1993: Lorcan Dracontius
Rapier Marshal
?: Brunissende Dragonette