Meeting Started: 7:45pm Meeting Ended: 8:40pm
In Attendance: Brunissende Dragonette, Philadelphia Brown, Martyn de Halliwell, Livia Petralia.
Next Meeting: Wednesday, June 20th at 7:30 p.m. in the Meyerson Conference Room at Van Pelt Library.
Old Business
- Post-Pennsic Social – Scheduled for Sunday, August 19th. Location pending; will confirm at June meeting. Item tabled to June meeting.
- Penn Student Activities Day Demo – Scheduled for Thursday, August 30th from 5pm until 8pm on Penn’s campus. Working on registration, securing space, and will reach out to wider group to gather volunteers to assist. Item tabled to June meeting.
- Moving Bailiwick E-Mail List – Philly now has instructions from the Webminister’s Office and will begin the process, with the objective to complete the move prior to our Demo. Held a vote to determine what the E-mail List should be (will end in @ ivyeinrust. eastkingdom. org) – all in favor of “bailiwick.” Item tabled to June meeting.
- Fall Scribal Display & Demo – Item tabled to June meeting.
- Zip Codes™ – Martyn gave an update on the submission to the Baronial Zip Code™ Committee just prior to the May Baronial business meeting – reviewed discussion from Barony Meeting with those present. Awaiting recommendation from the Barony. Tabled to June meeting.
- Bailiwick Banner – Lady Alesia is finished half of the banner, and it will be ready in time to go to EK 50 Year Celebration. Tabled to June meeting.
New Business
- Scribal Demo/Kislak Demo – Please see #4 in Old Business. Item removed from agenda.
- Fall Recruitment Planning – In addition to the PSA Day Demo we will also be leafletting on UPenn, Drexel, & Temple’s Campuses, Possibly others, depending on how things go and what is available. Flyers will direct interested people to the website, which will need some minor updates, and will need to list upcoming activities in the Bailiwick prominently, as well as activities in the Barony, with easy links to the Chatelaine (w/ correct language to guide newcomers). Item tabled to June meeting.
- Use of “Bailiff” for Seneschal of Ivyeinrust – proposed by Philly, seconded by Bruni. Both voted in favor, Martyn and Livia abstained; motion passed. Title is not restricted by CoH, a Bailiff’s jurisdiction was a Bailiwick. Item closed.
- Bylaws – Martyn introduced an initial copy of Bylaws, informally, to be discussed at upcoming meetings. These will be posted separately from the meeting minutes, and were reviewed in brief. Topic tabled to June meeting.
- Possible “Field Trips” – Possible group trips to be organized, suggestions included: Athenaeum of Philadelphia, Science History Institute (formerly the Chemical Heritage Foundation), Philadelphia Philosophical Society, and/or the Library Company of Phila.
Officer Reports
Seneschal – (Martyn) I received confirmation that my Quarterly Report was received.
Exchequer – (Livia) Quarterly report was submitted, as was the signature card. We have money. The Bailiwick has been requested to do a Book Review with the Chancellor of the Exchequer’s Office. Livia and Philly will work on preparing for this.
Minister of Arts & Sciences – (Bruni) Half of the Officers of the Bailiwick attended our last Craft & Chat – more are scheduled. We also had a very successful Mongolian Script class.
Chatelaine – (Philly) Newcomer contacts have been coming in, one has gone to social/Barony meeting and and another has attended the social as well.
Webminister – (Philly) We are working on getting the Bailiwick calendar back in working order across all platforms.
Announcements & Reminders
- City Social – dates posted, first is this Friday!
2 Responses
Beg pardon, milord and miladies, but what is “City social”?
The newest incarnation of the City Social is an informal, monthly gathering held in the common room at West Lofts – home of the Seneschal, Martyn (TJ DeLuca). Snacks provided; please feel free to bring more to share! For access / more information, please contact him directly at
This and other local SCA activities will be listed on the Bailiwick Calendar each month at
Hope to see you at the next one! – Philly