The Canton of Ivyeinrust
“The Bhakail Northern Italian Renaissance Yule”

Saturday, December 14, 1996 (PAST EVENT)

10:00 Site Opens
12:00 Light Side Board Lunch – (Upstairs)
1:00 Dance Practice – (Downstairs)
2:00 Performance – Duello di Amore – (Upstairs)
2:00 Class – Twelfth Century English & French Garb (Downstairs A&S Room)
(Taught by Judith of Northumbria)
3:00 Class – Calligraphy (Downstairs A&S Room)
(Taught by Calogero Urso)
4:00 The Joint Court of Her Royal Majesty Elspeth Keyfe of Neddingham and
Their Excellencies Baron Sir Tristen Von Halstern & Baroness Lady Genievieve
Charbonneau – (Upstairs)
6:00 Feast – (Downstairs)
Best Death Competition
8:30 Dance (Upstairs)
11:00 Site Closes – (Anyone left has cheerfully volunteered for cleanup.)
(Please Note: The time of the Order of the Salamander meeting will be announced.)
(Fine Print – Subject to change and Scadian Time Zone)