Hail, Bhakail, Iron Bog, and House Bloodguard!
I would like to publicly thank the many wonderful individuals who spent last Friday teaching Renaissance activities to West Philadelphia elementary school students as part of the Lea School’s Shakespeare Festival:
Master Jibral ar-Rashid al-Gyanji
Master Arden of Icomb
Lord Bryan mac Dhughaill an Boghadair
Lady Jannequinne Richardot
Lady Grainne ni Cleirigh
Arglwydd Dafydd Cyhoeddwr
Lord Geoffert of the Lone Oake
Lord Sterling della Rosa
Lady Katya Gordon
Lady Sabine Kerbriant de Lanvaux
Sayid Bilgisayar Tajir al Hisoon
Lord Gerhard Der Rote von Ulm
Lord Werner der Fromme
Anna of House Bloodguard
Andrea of Ivyeinrust
Ann of Bhakail
Lissa Underhill
They did a wonderful job and we received many kudos from the school and from the University of Pennsylvania’s President’s Office for this day-long demo.
The 500 elementary students want to know when we’re coming back!
I would also like to help the following gentles for their support of the Lea School Shakespeare Festival demo:
Master Arden and Lord Bryan for creating beautiful scroll blanks for use in the heraldry class;
Lady Katerina die Pherde Heilerin for the loan of one of her beautiful SCA gowns for the garb demonstration;
Lord Michel Wolffauer for the loan of board games for the Renaissance gaming class;
Lord Christophe Jameson for the loan of his scroll portfolio for use in the calligraphy class;
Doňa Damiana Almodóvar, Arglwydd Deiniol ap Gwrgwst, and Woolly ap Deiniol for the loan of their garb;
the Incipient Canton of Gleann na Feorag Dubh, the Bailiwick of Ivyeinrust, and the Barony of Bhakail for the loan of their Gold Key for use by the teachers and by the students in the Shakespeare plays;
and Baroness Scheherazade al-Zahira, Lady Judith the Confused, Lord Calogero Urso, and especially Sayiddata Suba al-Hadid Jamilia al-Bhakailia for their advice, suggestions, and support.
Deepest thanks to you all!
– Philadelphia