Come One, Come All
to the Bailiwicke of Ivyeinrust’s Harvest Revel and Introductory Meeting
When: Monday November 6, 2000
Time: 7:30 P.M. ’til 9:30 P.M.
Where: 3417 Spruce St., Houston Hall, Hall of Flags (east end of basement level). Street parking available on Walnut.
Why: This is a social gathering for people interested in the Society for Creative Anachronism, whether already active or just beginning.
Newcomers are encouraged to come and meet members with similar interests in medieval and Renaissance re-creation.
SCA members are encouraged to come in garb. The Bailiwicke will provide some refreshments and if you wish to bring some yourself, please do. Photo albums and demonstrations of SCA arts and skills are also highly welcome.
Renaissance dancing will be taught by Arglwydd Dafydd Cyhoeddwr, OS, OT. Beginners welcome.
For more info, please contact………
Lord Geoffert of the Lone Oake
(215) 829-xxxx
Seneschal, Bailiwicke of Ivyeinrust
Barony of Bhakail
Kingdom of the East