Saturday, June 3, 2000 (PAST EVENT)
Something Fishy This Way Comes IV / Lord of the Rivers III and Rampart Riot II Tournaments
This just in from the Bailiwick of Ivyeinrust! We have obtained historic Fort Mifflin (no street address) for a fourth year of fun and a relaxed day. Once again there are rumors of an intrusion into our peaceful port from hostile forces. The Bailiwick spies are most busy to determine from whence the threat arises! Event staffs are currently in discussion with both the Barony of Bhakail and the Shire of Caer Adamant to plan joint activities and to put our best feet forward during the day as the site is open to the public. Activities currently being planned include both a heavy weapons and rapier tournament. Weapons inspection is scheduled for 11:00 AM. Fencers take note; this site provides many unusual opportunities including ramparts, gates, bridges and more! As the site is so close to Phila. International Airport we will have a “Count the Dragons” competition with a prize to the winner.
This year we have arranged to serve a hearty luncheon at 11:30. Note, this is not an off board meal to all. The on board fee is $10.00 for adults and $4.50 for those under 12. The site fee is $5.00 for adults and $2.00 for those under 12. No separate fort fee will be charged for those who can show proof of SCA membership. To participate in the lunch an advance reservation is required. (Lunches will not be sold the day of the event.) As the site has limited facilities our alchemists have been hard at work developing disposable feast gear which will be provided. The site is dry. We will start the day at 10:00 AM and close at 4:00.
The luncheon by Lord Harlequin Tomfoolery will be served at 11:30 and will consist of cold roast beef, ham, hearty vegetable soup, breads, butters, cheeses and fresh fruits. More than enough to fortify those participating in the day’s martial activities.
Advance reservations should be made payable to SCA INC. – Bailiwicke of Ivyeinrust and sent to the autocrat Lord Lorcan Dracontius (John Saint-denis) at Phila. PA 19146. You must include a SASE to receive a gate pass which, if on board, will also serve as your token for lunch. (215-731-, dracontius@). No calls after 9:00 PM.
Merchants are most welcome to ply their trade at this event. We have arranged for easy access to the fort inner grounds. There will be no separate merchant’s fee. Please contact the autocrat for details.
Directions: Take your best route to interstate 95 north/south. You want to be headed towards Philadelphia International Airport. From the north take the exit for Island Ave. It is after the double decker bridge. *
From the south take the exit immediately after Phila. Airport, and stay in the right lane. Airport exit lanes will merge with you, continue to move to the right. Just prior to crossing the Platt Bridge you will see a sign for Island Ave. *
*Proceed to the intersection with Island Ave. You will want to make the left turn at the Hilton Hotel. When the road dead ends make a left turn. Proceed about 1/4 mile and make a right turn at the UPS center. After passing under the runway “tunnel” make your first left,
about 1/2 mile. Both SCA and Fort Mifflin signs will be posted.