Hail, Bhakail, Hartshorn-dale, Iron Bog, and Caer Adamant!
I’d like to publicly thank the following people for making Friday’s Shakespeare Festival at a West Philadelphia elementary school such a success. The following gentles provided 500+ children with a day of classes and demonstrations of Renaissance activities (in a building with no air conditioning on an 86-degree day):
Many thanks are due to:
Lord Sterling de la Rosa, Madame Brunissende de Brocéliande, Lady Katya Gordon, Lady Saikhan Saran, m’lord Osazuwa N’kante, and m’lord Melchior Kriebel for their displays of medieval armored combat and Renaissance fencing;
Master Arden of Icomb, Lady Grainne ni Cleirigh, Lady Siobhan ni Dhonnabhain, and m’lady Anne the Hunter for demonstrating and discussing Renaissance music and instruments;
Master Hogge de Watlynge for demonstrating and discussing making 15th century gingerbread and sugar paste molded cookies;
Arglwydd Dafydd Cyhoeddwr and Lady Areusa Salvadorez for teaching Renaissance dancing;
Lord Samuil Glukhoi and m’lady Sage the Shepherdess for teaching Renaissance gaming;
Lady Judith the Confused for teaching pomander-making and story-telling;
the Shire of Hartshorn-dale and Lord Michel Wolffauer for the loan of Renaissance games;
Doňa Damiana Almodóvar and Lady Arlyn of Hartshorn-dale for transport;
Lady Tiphaine de Montaigne for the loan of her garb;
and special thanks to Lady Violet Coleson and Lord Gillian MacLachlan for teaching spinning and making Renaissance clothing, and especially for filling in for another fiber arts teacher who was unable to attend at the last minute.
Thank you all very much! The students, teachers, and principal loved it!
– Philadelphia